13th May 2020
We have taken the difficult decision to hold the 10th Climate Informatics Conference fully virtually this year. While the global situation is easing in some areas significant uncertainty about the feasibility of running a large conference in person remains. By making this decision in good time we hope to minimize uncertainty and allow participants to plan for a virtual attendance.
As before, we are fully committed to making the first virtual Climate Informatics Conference a successful and enjoyable experience for all. More details on the exact format will be released over the summer.
17th April 2020
While the UK is currently under lock-down and appears likely to remain so for the foreseeable future we are still hopeful that the situation will have eased by September. As such our first priority continues to be planning for an in person meeting in Oxford. Nevertheless we are developing plans for either a hybrid or fully virtual meeting.
Regardless of the exact format we are committed to providing an engaging conference experience with inspiring talks and interactive poster sessions.